Why you should expect more from Master PT

Lately, there’s been a lot of buck passing going on.  For a nation founded on individual freedom and responsibility, there are few who seem willing to be responsible for results.  At Master PT we believe in the power of an industrial economy powered by people making things happen with no excuses. “People are our passion” […]

The road to recovery

Three months ago, the Priddy family lost their home as southern Indiana was ravaged by deadly tornadoes. As they rebuild, Master Power Transmission was honored to play a small part in their recovery. Fifty miles south of Columbus, Ind., home to Master PT, sits Henryville, a small town that forms part of the Monroe Township […]

Columbus tops nation in job growth

Coming off the heels of being named the No. 1 metro area for job growth in 2011, Columbus, Ind., remains at the top with the largest over-the-year percentage gain in employment nationwide. The Columbus area added jobs at a rate of 11.7% between April 2011 and April of this year, according to the U.S. Department […]

You want one reason? How about 100?

For 62 employees at Master Power Transmission, Indiana is home. We know why we love building high-quality, durable gear reducers in the Hoosier State, but do you? A new website, 100ReasonsIndiana.com, sheds some light on why Indiana is great for business. Master Power Transmission is based in Columbus, Ind. With a population of only 44,000, […]

Pulled by passion

Are you pushed by pain or pulled by passion? It’s easy to succumb to the status quo rather than moving toward excellence when the realities of life sometimes get in the way. This was the subject of a recent column by business coach Dan Miller, president of 48 Days LLC. He calls it “comfortable misery,” where […]

Hoosier Strong

Last week’s violent tornadoes changed lives for our neighbors 50 miles south in Scott and Clark Counties in Indiana. This week as I learn of the responsible actions of heroes, I am reminded of the quiet strength and self discipline that characterize Master PT’s Hoosier core. Indeed, our team has been working through local relief […]

The One Thing That Matters.

Great companies thrive because they understand what their customers really want and deliver it … brilliantly! Apple understands people want easy-to-use electronic devices to customize and broaden their digital experience. Ford understands that with quality, fuel-efficient cars as a given, people want the same technology firepower in their cars that they enjoy in their smartphones. […]

What Great Teams Do: The Green Bay Packers

At Master Power Transmission, we believe teamwork is critical to the success of American manufacturing. Here’s the first in a series about teams we admire. Super Bowl winners last season, the Green Bay Packers went 15-1 this year before losing in the playoffs to the Giants. The Pack’s sustained level of performance over the last […]

Master Power Transmission’s Project E-236.

Delivering 88% of our critical products and parts within 48 hours didn’t happen overnight. It took the full commitment from 52 employees who understood how a competitive edge like this meant more than just job security. Here’s a short video that explains how we did it.