A Christmas Story

‘Twas the flood before Christmas, and through parts of the state
Houses and cars were all in a lake.
Ruth Williams was flooded – “Oh, woe is me!
With a disabled son and little ones three!”
The past four years were the hardest she saw
And the flood was almost the very last straw.
Discouraged she went to the school shelter
While all her belongings went helter-skelter.
At her wit’s end with no hope ‘round the bend,
Ruth called 2-1-1 to see what they recommend.
Meanwhile in Greenville that very same day
We said “We should help – there must be a way!”
United Way in Columbia helped with the match-up
Then we called in so with Ruth we could catch up.
MPT had a goal, with the plant folks we chattered
Ruth and her family would know that they mattered.
In closets and cupboards all did dig deep
Then piled the clothes in one great big heap
And then came the cash – oh what a stash!
It was doubled and tripled and one did the math
Surely this would set Ruth on a clear path.

Ruth and girls
Meeting Ruth’s family

We met her one day to give her the rent
For a house Ruth had found – she felt it God-sent
Then off to the auction to buy her a car
A dealer helped us to stretch the cash far
Lo and behold we found her a truck
Ruth could get stuff and with any “luck”
She will work and then be no longer stuck.
And then at the auction ‘round the corner they saw
The perfect red car for daughter studying law
Now she can work and be safe to and fro
To school, work and home, many places to go.

Ruth's cars
MPT Employees with cars for Ruth


Ruth at GreenvilleOn seeing it all Ruth became quite emotional,
The vehicles and clothes – all gifts unconditional.
The three little girls in black and bright pink
Could hardly speak or know what to think.
With a song and a hug, a prayer and a tear
They expressed their thanks to everyone here.



Ruth has called once or twice to make sure we see
She is grateful and thankful as thankful can be.
Our gifts made a difference to Ruth this year,
She’s grateful and holds us all to her heart dear.
It’s a merrier Christmas for the family of Ruth
Thanks to the generosity of MPT –that’s the truth!
There’s more than one way to count up our riches
So Merry Christmas to all and to all our best wishes!