A bold move for 2016

New MPT website homepage

Have you seen our website update? It includes delivery metrics updated every week – on the front page.

Designed by local firm Shift, the website launched quietly near the beginning of 2016. Besides a desire for an updated look, the main reason for the upgrade was to include some new features. One primary goal is to showcase our slogan:


Faster@Master web

This front page module is updated weekly and is the calculated average of the past four weeks’ delivery and cycle time. A click on the module brings the user to our promise and metrics for the past four weeks. We are proud to share our successes with everyone and demonstrate that Faster@Master is a reality.

Another new feature is the Industry Focus. Our first discussion shows how Master PT’s rugged gearboxes are a good fit for the high demands of the timber industry.

Focus on Lumber website bannerThe new site is totally screen size responsive, meaning that whether the user is viewing a desktop, laptop, tablet or any size mobile phone, the graphics and features are all available in an easy-to-read format for that device. Our aim is to enable users to find the information they need more easily and with fewer clicks. Take a look around and let us know what you think!